Scribbles on a Napkin
You won’t find Ten Tips for Online Marketing Success, or How to draw a Brontosaurus in Five Easy Steps here. I’m not a career marketeer, and robots are way cooler than dinosaurs. This is just where I share some of my artistic experiences—personal and professional—in an attempt to help people gain some insight into the plight of the artistically-inclined.

The Epic Glory of Berol Prismacolor
During my middle school years, I spent a lot of time with my friend Ben. We met in 6th grade in 1988 and immediately had a lot in common. Nintendo. Rap Music.

What’s With All the Scribbles?
Yeah, so… all scribbles on my site… Actually, they aren’t scribbles at all. They’re layers and layers of my actual handwriting. Why though? Like, many creatively-afflicted types, all of my creative energy

Drawing things was one of my very first pastimes. From the first moment I could wield a writing utensil, I’ve brandished it with varying degrees of success. Often when inappropriate. I’ve mentioned

Party Time
Generally speaking, I’ve learned to adopt two “thanks-but-no-thanks” rules as a freelancer. 1) I don’t do wedding stuff. 2) I don’t do kids birthday invites. Although I am a soulless murderer of

From Spark to Flame
Does your project require an original robot with a flaming microphone head and a body made out of music gear?. . . OK. Probably not. But this one did—and it was awesome.